Latest Episodes

The Helicarrier: When Movies Ignore Natural Law
We’ve all been there – Sitting inside a movie theater, fully engrossed in the film, when suddenly something happens on screen that is so...

A Better Life: The Case for Cloud
With high performance cloud computing usage expanding quickly in research & development, there are still some organizations who hesitate to dip a toe. In...

The Computational Science of Drug Development
At the beginning of 2020, while a pandemic of epic proportions shut down most of the world, the life sciences industry was kicked into...

A Cloud Startup Story (Part 2)
More than a decade ago, a young Joris Poort stepped into a small Silicon Valley apartment for the first time, ready to make an...

A Cloud Startup Story (Part 1)
Amazon started as a bookseller. BloomNation was founded with money won in a Poker tournament. The creator of Paul Mitchell hair products was homeless...

How to Tell Your Family About HPC
For those working with high performance computing in any capacity, sometimes talking about it with your family can be a little… confusing. And with...