Welcome to Series #2 of the Big Compute Podcast! Ever wondered how COVID-19 can spread through the air indoors? Is 6 feet apart enough distance? Do plexiglass barriers protect us? We talk to undercover superhero, Jiarong Hong of the University of Minnesota, about his discoveries from simulating the movement of aerosol particles in different indoor spaces and how it can affect our everyday lives. We also dive into his revealing research about what musical instruments may be spreading the virus more than others, including whether or not tuba concerts are worth the risk during this pandemic.
From the case on your phone to rovers on Mars to vaccines -- supercomputers have played a role in just about everything around us. ...
Gabriel Broner hosts Mark Borodkin, COO of Bionano Genomics, to discuss how genomics and HPC enable doctors and researchers to diagnose complex diseases and...
For decades, mankind has been enamored with the idea of flying cars -- we’ve seen them in movies, read about them in books, and...